EngRish GiRL

A GiRL still spinning from the fast pace of Tokyo suddenly finds herself a rookie among the best and brightest in British academia. By no means a proper ENGLISH girl, she can express herself only as EngRish GiRL, the silly mix of America, Japan and Britain that she has become.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Punting along

"Punting" is the term used to describe the rather archaeic, but somehow fun, Cambridge activity of boating on the river Cam with a long pole. Think gondolas in Venice or bamboo rafting in China. With so many brilliant people here, you'd think they would devise a better way to scoot along the river... but I suppose that's part of its charm. We did it yesterday, along with a red bus tour that provided some useless facts about the town, but some nice views.

The night finished with another big party to put an end to "Freshers Week." Well-timed indeed, because I think one more night would have completely done me in. From salsa to clubbing to pubbing, I have probably gone out more in the past week than in an average 2 or even 3 weeks in Tokyo. But along the way, I've met some people who I think will become good friends in a bit more time, and finally even some cool girls!

Scary British things in the upcoming week include presenting on conceptualizations of East Asia at a seminar class on Thursday and attending a formal "matriculation dinner" on Wednesday, which involves wearing a robe and using the correct fork during my meal. It only makes me think of Harry Potter, to be honest.

More fun things off the campus include a visit to Paris in 2 weekends!


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