EngRish GiRL

A GiRL still spinning from the fast pace of Tokyo suddenly finds herself a rookie among the best and brightest in British academia. By no means a proper ENGLISH girl, she can express herself only as EngRish GiRL, the silly mix of America, Japan and Britain that she has become.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

My tour of Paris

I have not only fallen in love with a Frenchman. In three short days, I think I've also fallen in love with the city of Paris. (click for moi a Paris)

Perhaps it was the mild, sunny weather. Perhaps it was my "tour guide," my friend H from university in Washington DC, who graciously showed me every niche of the city and let me stay at his beautiful flat around the corner from the Louvre! Perhaps it was the food... no, I'm SURE it was the food! But in between bites of baguette, I did manage to see a few sights.

I'm not sure I can even choose the most beautiful place. The city at night along the Seine, or in the cour carree of the Louvre-- these must have been among the best. But during the day, sipping coffee at a cafe in Montmartre or walking through the gardens at Versailles-- these were just about as good! I also won't forget the feeling of being completely moved by the grandeur of the Louvre, the masterpieces on every wall and ceiling, and Mona Lisa's mysterious gaze; the storming organ music being played during our walk through Notre Dame; or the luminosity of the stained glass at la Sainte Chappelle. The only thing I was missing was someone to kiss among all the "rabu-rabu" couples holding hands in the dim light of sunset along the bridges. The romance of it all just made me feel even more loneliness, which I had to keep transforming into excitement for the next time I'll be in Paris with S.

Saturday night was a highlight, too! I went to a party at the flat of S' friend Gwenn, who rounded up all of S' childhood best friends to meet me. It was not only great to place personalities with names and photos, but all of them were absolutely fantastic! Now I can relax at the thought that I get on really well with the mates, even though S unfortunately wasn't there to take part in all the debauchery of the night. To my disappointment, I got only starters to any embarrassing stories about S-- his friends were quite good about keeping the end a secret: "Ask him if I can tell you" was the theme of the night. I will have to wait until one day when they are more drunk and eager to talk!

So now I return to Cambridge with student cafeteria food, the damp & cold of England, lectures, and library. Why is reality soooo much less appealing?! Anyway, I'm sure it will not be my last time in Paris, so I'll just go back to counting the days until my next trip:

Beginning November 30th, you can follow me 'round Tokyo - Malaysia - Tokyo - London - New York/home/Washington DC - London. Good thing I am getting used to long trips..!


  • At 10:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Your Boyfriend must be easy to spot.....I mean with both hands in the air

  • At 12:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey! Stop moaning about Cambridge. If you got into Cambridge, you must have had a choice of other places too, or did you not do your research?

  • At 4:12 PM, Blogger JoLo in Tokyo said…

    Saying that going back to long days at the library at Cambridge is not as appealing as being on holiday in Paris is more of an obvious statement of fact than "moaning," no? I like Cambridge and am happy to be here-- it's just natural that it lacks excitement after a weekend in Paris. Have you not traveled?


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