EngRish GiRL

A GiRL still spinning from the fast pace of Tokyo suddenly finds herself a rookie among the best and brightest in British academia. By no means a proper ENGLISH girl, she can express herself only as EngRish GiRL, the silly mix of America, Japan and Britain that she has become.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Working and rowing

That's about all there is to life right now, but it's definitely keeping me busy. I've been waking up at 6 AM four times a week, going to classes all day or working in the library, and then doing it all over again. You could say it's been very good for my self-discipline! But only one or two more weeks of rowing, depending on if we qualify in the race next Friday. Today, we got blown away, but fortunately it didn't have anything to do with my steering this time! You can see me and my crew in the race today (I am [obviously] the little female-looking one in the front!).

All the work is piling up, because I'm trying to finish as much as possible before Amanda and Lauren come to visit this Saturday. We're going to Paris for three days, and then after they leave, McK comes the following weekend and we're taking off to Barcelona. Then the term is over, and I don't want to bury myself in books over the break, so there are large incentives to working now, while all the other distractions are gone... or small. One new distraction has come back in the form of poker, but it's perfectly welcome since I've been winning every week. I've learned there is absolutely nothing wrong with a little supplementary income!

I'm still deciding if I'll go to Tokyo during my break in March. It was in the plans, but I guess it all depends on the question of future-- where I will be and with whom I will be with after this program ends in June. One option is to move back to Tokyo, settle back down with S, take my old job back, and continue where I left off. The other option is to start all over again in New York, in a new city, with a new job, and live out the rest of my crazy single life. Sounds like a pretty big decision, right? I think so too... but I am pretty confident I would be happy with either one... they would each just lead me in completely different directions. Ah, anyway, I'm glad I have work, rowing, and poker to keep me distracted from this one! Gotta get back to my essays!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Another return from Tokyo

I know I haven't gotten a lot of sleep lately, but unless I have gone completely crazy, I swear I wrote a blog entry from Frenchy's place before I left London, and now it seems to have disappeared. I blame technology.

Anyway, another safe 12,000 miles in the bag. I'm back in one piece (heart excluded). I'm not ready to write about all that occurred on the ground right now, so just sit back and enjoy some aerial views!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

A Haiku

Upon waking up this morning and looking out my bedroom window, I felt inspired to write a haiku.

An expanse of sky
the color of office walls.
A Cambridge morning.

To the library I go...